October 23, 2024

Why Choose Slip Resistant Floor Tiles?

A vast majority of accidents and injuries occur as a result of trips, slips, and falls. In actuality, a lot of these mishaps may be easily avoided by using slip-resistant floor tiles. Here are five of the primary advantages of slip resistant tiles, which offer both aesthetic and safety.


In terms of aesthetics, anti-slip floor tiles are incredibly adaptable. One may choose from a wide variety of colors and patterns according to the taste. Whichever appearance and feel you want to establish, you may do so without compromising on safety.


The slip-resistant flooring products have been made to last a long time. All tiles that have been treated to be non-slip are guaranteed to survive a lot longer than their untreated equivalents. As a result, even though you might pay a little bit more, you will end up saving a lot of money in the long run.

Easy to maintain

The fact that non slippery floor tiles (กระเบื้องกันลื่น, term in Thai) require less maintenance is one of its biggest advantages of choosing these. The non-slip coating is made to be durable and unharmed even with heavy daily foot activity the floors will get. This explains why this kind of flooring is getting so popular with both households and commercial owners.

Various degrees of slide resistance

Contrary to popular assumption, tiling does not have a single level of slip resistance. When purchasing your tiles, you will have the choice of selecting how strong the amount of strip resistance is. The level you select will be influenced by factors other than just your tastes and financial limitations. It also depends on where you intend to lay the tiles.

Ensure better security

You need to be a bit more careful when you have kids and aged people at home. Kids like to play and run. It makes them prone to sip and fall accidents. Aged people who walk with sticks or have some issues with balance or legs, are more prone to fall. If they are not provided with a safer option, accidents might happen even in your home. No one can keep eyes on kids or aged people all the time. They would be at risk of falling injuring themselves. Non-slippery tiles make sure to add a level of security to the flooring. The chances of people slipping and falling would lessen to a huge extent giving you a breath of relief.

An accident also means a lot of tension, anxiety as well as medical bills. These accidents can even cause some major injuries requiring long term treatment or surgery. Investing a bit more in the tiles will make sure that this bill does not burn a hole in your pocket. Such tiles are a necessity for people who leave their old parents or other members at home alone for hours. This time you will leave the house for work or any other task with a much better feeling that you have created a safer haven for them to stay and walk in.