March 9, 2025

How You Can Tell Your Toilet Is Broken

Our toilets are often one of the most important components of our houses, so when they fail to function correctly, it can be really inconvenient. While a plunger can typically remedy the issue, there are situations when the damage is too extensive.

In these cases, you could be dealing with a toilet that has to be fixed or replaced entirely. That is why you should contact firms like PlumbSure Plumbing and Drains. Their professional 24-hour emergency plumber in Westerville, OH, assures that a specialist is available at all times.

Running Indefinitely

The only time you should hear your toilet roar is when you flush it. So if you hear it going off all the time, even in the middle of the night, you should be concerned. Aside from being inconvenient, this might indicate a flush valve overfill due to leakage.

You may verify whether this is the problem before contacting PlumbSure Plumbing and Drains by opening the back of the toilet and finding the flapper. During operation, this flap works as a valve, letting water in and out. If this portion is broken in any way, water will continue to fill the tank until it spills into your bathroom.


Because your toilet should not be leaking, seeing a puddle surrounding it may make you nervous. As toilets age, the porcelain gets worn and is prone to breaking. Perhaps if the rest of your toilet is working fine, you should get this checked out before the bowl cracks more or even fall apart.

Flushing Issues

When your toilet doesn’t flush the first time, you may believe it is due to a blockage. This, however, is not always the case. Even when clogs seek random, you may have an issue if you have to repeatedly pull out the plunger. If you have an older toilet, the low-flush design causes blockage more quickly.

Installing a contemporary toilet with a low-flow system is more beneficial and energy-efficient in these circumstances. PlumbSure Plumbing and Drains will assist you in locating the appropriate model and then installing it for you.

Toilet Won’t Refill

When you flush the toilet, you expect it to instantly replenish with new water. If something does not happen as intended, there might be an underlying problem that has to be addressed. For example, if it takes a long time for your toilet to refill entirely or if the bowl stays empty after repeated flushes, your home’s water supply is most likely faulty. This might be due to clogged pipes or a more severe problem, such as a wastewater backlog caused by plumbing problems or floods. Continue to flush it since it will do further harm.

Call a Plumber Instead of Panicking

When it comes to getting your toilet to perform correctly, there are a few actions you may do on your own. You may use drain cleaners in addition to unclogging it as required and inspecting the valves. However, hiring a plumber like PlumbSure Plumbing and Drains is the safest option.

When you use PlumbSure Plumbing and Drains, you can be certain that the issue will be handled the first time. They will even advise you on if a new toilet is more appropriate for you.

Toilets may survive a long time in our houses, but that does not guarantee they will always perform correctly. If yours is causing you problems, take responsibility and contact PlumbSure Plumbing and Drains to inspect it.