October 24, 2024

What Happens If My Heater Doesn’t Get Repaired?

In New Hampshire, it is common to have some pretty chilly winters. Being so far up north in the United States and being close to a body of water will do that. However, even with residents being used to it, staying warm amid freezing temperatures is crucial. 

Many, both homeowners and businesses alike, rely on the comfort of a heater to keep them comfortable throughout the season. This system can provide fast heat and airflow whenever we need it most. This means that once we feel chilly, we turn right to our heater and crank the thermostat to the perfect temperature.

However, our heaters may only sometimes work the way we want them to, and it might not always be easy to spot warning signs. And, even if we know there’s an issue, we might think the problem will fix itself. Putting off a repair can lead to some significant consequences, so it is always crucial to get from Skovron Mechanical Services for both residential and commercial heater repair and installation in New Hampshire.

Signs of a Broken Heater

Over time, heaters are bound to become worn down. Whether it be from their age or because of inconsistent maintenance work, they will lose their efficiency. Keeping an eye (or ear) out for the following will tell you when you need to call Skovron Mechanical Services:

  • Knocking or whistling sounds coming from the unit
  • Musty odors
  • Insufficient heating, such as drafts or taking too long to warm up
  • Higher energy bills


If you don’t act quickly when any of the signs occur, you can suffer some major issues that would cost you a lot more than a simple tune-up would have. It can even become a safety risk. 

Cold Days and Nights

Without a working heater, how do you expect to stay warm? You and anyone else who enters your home or business will be stuck shivering when the temperature becomes unbearable. While blankets or coats can help, they won’t be the same as the warmth from a good HVAC unit. While you might be able to deal with it, both the very young and very old are more at risk of freezing or getting sick.

Poor Air Quality

Because heaters help to filter out the dust and debris that lingers in the air, you can breathe easier. When your heater is no longer working or has an already backed-up filter, these pollutants will continue to waft. This may make life’s most common task a challenge, especially for those who already have poor respiratory systems. 


The most damaging consequence of all, fires can break out if your heater has a blockage or if there is a wiring issue not taken care of. This issue is terrifying, especially because they can come out of nowhere. If your system tries to overwork itself, it could explode, damaging your property and items. Even worse, it will put everyone inside at risk of burns or death. 

How Skovron Mechanical Services Can Help

The moment you notice a problem, getting professionals in to fix it will lower your risk of worse issues occurring. Skovron Mechanical Services can be there around the clock for residents in Raymond, Manchester, and Concord, NH. They will send a professional in to inspect your unit and find out what is giving you grief.

During their quest, they may need to perform anything from a simple task, such as a filter change, to something more major, like tightening loose wires. If none of this is bound to help, they will offer to replace your whole heater. This is often the safest and least costly solution for you. 

Both homes and businesses deserve to have proper heating, which is why Skovron Mechanical Services is willing to work on any property. Even better, they want to make sure that, even if your budget is tight, you still get help. This is why they offer flexible financing options. 

Your livelihood could easily be put on hold if your heater is in need of repair. Keep the problem from festering for long when you can get help quickly. No matter the severity of your problem, contact Skovron Mechanical Services for help!